Rewire’s film programme intersects with and ponders upon the festival’s overarching themes of listening-with, elements of sounding, sonic testimonies, and ears to the ground. Particularly, the 10 films being screened this year pay careful attention to the themes of sonic testimonies and ears to the ground. Join daily during the festival for this curated selection of films that engage with crucial concerns around sounding, listening, and witnessing: from Jumana Manna’s A Magical Substance Flows Into Me, which seeks to uncover endangered music cultures in Palestine, to Intercepted by Oksana Karpovych, which is a document of wire-tapped war-time communications in Ukraine joined by visuals of the devastation caused by the Russian soldiers making those phone calls. Read further about each and every film that will be screened at Rewire 2025 below.
A Magical Substance Flows Into Me by Jumana Manna
Archipelago of Earthen Bones — To Bunya by Malena Szlam
Both, Instrument & Sound by Sharlene Bamboat
Collective Monologue by Jessica Sarah Rinland
Eastern Anthems by Matthew Wolkow & Jean-Jacques Martinod
Intercepted by Oksana Karpovych
La Laguna del Soldado by Pablo Alvarez-Mesa
Panoptic by Rana Eid
The Diary of a Sky by Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Two Refusals (Would We Recognize Ourselves Unbroken?) by Suneil Sanzgiri
Closer to the festival, it will be possible to make reservations for all of the films in the Rewire 2025 film programme.
Image credit: Still from Archipelago of Earthen Bones — To Bunya by Malena Szlam