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Rewire is aware of the consequences of the climate crisis and wants to carry responsibility for the impact the festival has on nature. We want to do our part in creating a greener world. In order to do so we've set sustainability goals. As a festival organisation, we can make a difference by being more mindful of our waste and reducing our carbon footprint. We're actively taking steps to achieve this, and are learning along the way.

Here are some specific actions we're taking:

European Festivals Forest


  • The organisation avoids flying whenever possible. For instance: for artists within a 700km radius, we encourage them to travel by train.
  • Whenever feasible, we encourage public transport, bikes, or electric vehicles for travel within the Netherlands.


  • Our crew and artist catering is exclusively vegetarian and offers vegan options.
  • We focus on working with caterers who prioritize organic and locally sourced ingredients.


  • Rewire minds its waste stream and recycles as much waste as possible. Including the growing number of separate waste collection systems in the different festival venues.

Technical Aspects

  • Whenever possible, we'll use green power, LED lights, and other energy-saving measures to power them.


  • Rewire actively engages with its partners to make Rewire a greener festival, evaluating every opportunity that arises to align them with our sustainability goals.

By implementing these measures, we can make a positive impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. Let's work together to make Rewire an environmentally responsible festival.