Pulling influence from gnostic and alchemical texts and early renaissance music, Polish-born audiovisual artist Wojciech Rusin inhabits an impressively far-off musical cloister. Using digital modeling technology, he reworks ancient designs for reed instruments, 3D printing them to harness in his productions. 2019's "The Funnel" was a startling example of this, overlaying eerie woodwind sounds with Greek-Egyptian philosophy, fizzing synthesized electronics and haunting atmospheres. In 2020, Rusin contributed to Boomkat Editions' "Documenting Sound" series with "Rufus Orbis", a further journey into a sonic landscape that joins the dots between modern composition, field recording, folk and sound design. For Rewire 2021, Rusin will be interpreting "The Funnel" with a specially-formed ensemble of a string trio (Freda D’souza, David Denyer, Khabat Abas), soprano (Eden Girma) and a video artist (Stefan Goodchild).