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Tristan Perich – Drawing Machines + Listening Stations

artist in focus

Saturday, 7 April

‘Drawing Machines’ is a live installation by New York-based artist and composer Tristan Perich. Created with a pen suspended from two motors, whose motion is controlled by a code running on a circuit, the installation produces tremendous paper or wall drawings that explore notions of texture, noise, randomness and order. Striking a delicate balance between code and physics, ‘Drawing Machines’ is programmed in advance and then executed in physical space. Varying levels of randomness and algorithms produce the difference between straight lines or frenetic motion, gradually allowing the pen to build simple geometric structures of densely packed lines and random marks.

Tristan Perich is the Rewire 2018 Young Artist in Focus. In addition to ‘Drawing Machines’, he will also be presenting performances of ‘Active Field’ with the Royal Conservatoire String Ensemble, ‘Surface Image’ with Vicky Chow and ‘Noise Patterns/1-Bit Solo’, as well as an artist talk on Rewire Friday.