As Slumberland, the Belgian musician, composer and instrument-maker Jochem Baelus tinkers on his hypnotic krautrock, embellished with distorted exotica. After creating his signature battery of sewing machines, projectors and dismantled mechanical objects, Baelus immersed himself into the world of 64 year old voice-artist Sainkho Namtchylak and assembled a new sound sculpture inspired by her sonic presence.
Namtchylak grew up in Tuva, an autonomous Russian republic north of Mongolia. Known as a rebel pur sang, she became the first female overtone artist and started combining these traditional chants with influences from avant-garde music. Her indomitable demons and Russian beat-poetry are now accompanied by Bealus’ compellingly minimal, yet vigorous compositions.
Presented in collaboration with Brakke Grond and STUK.