Red Brut is the project of Netherlands-based tape composer and concrete poet Marijn Verbiesen. Her newest album, On Bare Ground (2024) – created during a move from Rotterdam to the farthest northern reaches of the Dutch swamplands – strips back the musical language she has been developing over her previous two albums. What is left in this zen disassembly of sonic tools are snippets and fragments of recordings, honing in on subtle yet vibrant moments of sonic potential: a distant voice sings, a piano warbles away, a strange noise morphs into a rhythm. These textural, warm, and collage-like recordings arrive to the ear like unveiling secrets. The use of a hydrophone brings a subterranean and aquatic quality to some of Red Brut's droning assemblages – sounding at times like forlorn whalesong, and in others, like a tsunami of gushing noise. Live, she combines field recordings and cassette manipulation with spoken word and noise.