In a live edition of their longstanding RA Exchange podcast series, Resident Advisor interviews Tzusing during Rewire 2023. As a DJ, Tzusing’s sets mix streamlined techno, industrial electronics, non-western dance music, and contemporary club music. He adds to this a sincere belief in the redemptive power of pop music, ready to drop sophisticated, classic Asian pop into the middle of club sets. In his own productions Tzusing recombines these influences into aggressive, cathartic music, inflected with off-kilter half step rhythms, strange harmonic textures, and thick, unnaturally resonant drums. In this extended interview, RA's editor Chloe Lula will be in conversation with Tzusing on Sunday 9 April during Rewire 2023, as they sit down to discuss his artistic practice.
RA Exchange can be visited free of charge.
Tzusing also performs at Rewire 2023 on Saturday 8 April.