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Film: N'Importe Quoi (for Brunhild)

by Luke Fowler

Composer Brunhild Ferrari, born 1937 in Germany, moved to Paris in 1959 where she met and married the composer Luc Ferrari. Brunhild Meyer, who produced a number of works of radio art in the 70s and 80s for radio station Südwestrundfunk, slowly began to emerge as a composer in the last decade – adopting her husband’s surname only after his death. This film provides peripheral glimpses into their collaborative life and work but resists a traditional biographic narrative. N’Importe Quoi (for Brunhild) in many ways stands in the tradition of filmmaker Luke Fowler’s impressionist portraits of people who have made an impact on his personal and artistic life.

9 min, 2023

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As there is a maximum capacity of visitors for all films, we work with free online ticket registration to make sure every visitor is assured of a seat during the film. To register for a seat, you will need to purchase a free ticket through our action code REWIRE#24 via the website of Filmhuis Den Haag.

  • Go to Filmhuis Den Haag's website and click 'koop tickets' at the desired film;
  • You then log in to use your action code. In the shopping cart, click on 'Wil je een actiecode invoeren? Klik hier'. Enter your code REWIRE#24 and click on 'invoeren'. You will now see the card type 'Action REWIRE' appear. Click 'bestellen' and 'afrekenen';
  • You will receive the free e-ticket by e-mail;
  • Access in combination with a 3-Day Pass or Day Pass.