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Music Hackspace

Machine Learning for Artists and Musicians with Rebecca Fiebrink

Saturday, 30 March
Het Nutshuis

Ever wondered what machine learning really is, and how to use it in creative ways? Led by Dr. Rebecca Fiebrink, this workshop by London-based collective Music Hackspace give you a hands-on introduction to user-friendly machine learning tools for creating new music and art, as well as for working more effectively with sensors and other data sources in building real-time interactions. You will also learn how machine learning is capable of generating new content, making it easier for non-programmers to build and customise systems, and enabling programmers to build new creative systems more quickly. During the workshop, you will be using free and open source software to hook up game controllers, sensors, webcams, and microphones to interact with sound, animation, game engines, and other creative gear.

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Dr. Rebecca Fiebrink is a Senior Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research focuses on designing new ways for humans to interact with computers in creative practice, including the use of machine learning as a creative tool. Fiebrink is the developer of the Wekinator, open-source software for real-time interactive machine learning and the creator of a MOOC titled “Machine Learning for Artists and Musicians,” which launched in 2016 on the Kadenze platform. She has worked with companies including Microsoft Research, Sun Microsystems Research Labs, Imagine Research, and Smule.

Workshop details

Max. capacity: 20 persons
Time: 12:00 – 18:00
Cost: €10
Requirements: Bring your own laptop + headphones
Optional: Feel free to bring in any compatible sensors if you have any that you would like to use to build new instruments / interactions (e.g., Leap Motion, Myo armband, Arduino, USB game controllers). Don’t worry if you don’t have any as there will be gear provided for the day.

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