Saturday, April 7th and Sunday, April 8th
Music Hackspace presents a two-day workshop led by Alo Allik and Anna Xambó in which you will explore ways to collaborate musically exchanging synthesis and composition information over a network. Laptops have become musical instruments that can be used much like traditional instruments in collaborative spaces where people come together to share musical ideas and experiences. Yet, they also provide opportunities for creating sounds and composing music beyond the sonic characteristics and playing styles of acoustic instruments. In this workshop, you will explore how the SuperCollider programming environment enables building collaborative synthesisers and sequencers that can be shared and exchanged between participants.
This hands-on workshop invites active participation and collaboration, so please bring your laptop with SuperCollider installed and an open mind to exchange and share your ideas with others.
Alo Allikis an Estonian sound artist and active participant in the Algorave: movement who has developed a unique style by combining traditional rhythm patterns with evolutionary synthesis algorithms. He currently works as a researcher, programmer and lecturer in London, while continuing to perform his visuals and music to audiences worldwide.
Anna Xambóis an experimental electronic music producer and researcher with a focus in computer music, live coding, collaborative interfaces for music, audience participation with mobile devices, real-time music information retrieval and computer science education. Her postdoctoral research work at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London explores the design and evaluation of new tools for music performance.
Update: This workspace is now full. Further applications will be held in reserve.