NL premiere
Merche Blasco is a multimedia artist and composer based between Berlin and Barcelona. Central to her practice is the building of intriguing technological assemblages that are designed to be imprecise, thus allowing for embodied and imperfect kinds of electroacoustic composition to take place. Stepping out of the role of composer – and distancing herself from the hierarchical parameters of precision, power, and control over the sounds – she allows herself and her body to become entangled with her music through the devices she creates. She presents Fauna at Rewire 2025, a live improvisational show using a set of custom-made instruments and artifacts. Through exploration and touch, Blasco brings a playful, alien excitement to sonic materials which are serious, and deep: from breaming ambience to gloopy wallops of extraterrestrial bass, a vivacious concoction of textures and rhythms bubble up from her cauldron of unpredictable sounds.