Lee Gamble’s work is based on questions and reappraisals. In a recent interview with The Wire magazine, Gamble proclaimed; “I like to work things out […] break stuff, fuck about with stuff, open it up, see what’s in there for me.” Not one to sit still, Gamble relentlessly questions the world around him, trying to create new soundtracks for his curiosity. Originally in love with techno and jungle, Gamble began to embrace music and ideas created through developing technologies, such as those created by Photek, the Mego label, and composer John Wall. Currently Gamble looks to create music on a ‘molecular level’; the results audible in his two new releases, the EP, Kuang, and LP KOCH. Lee Gamble was listed in August 2014 by Rolling Stone magazine, as “one of the 10 New Artists you need to know.” The visuals for Lee Gamble’s show at Rewire will be provided by Dave Gaskarth, who has designed dozens of albums and created visuals for (amongst others) Black Sabbath, the Hacienda, Entr’acte the Pan label, Bocian for Pearson Sound at Krakow’s Unsound Festival.