Evolution and extinction are approached from the point of view of rocks in this film by artist and filmmaker Deborah Stratman – a humid take on minerals, where sci-fi meets sci-fact, with music from, amongst others, Thomas Ankersmit and Okkyung Lee. This project originated from two novellas of J.-H. Rosny, the joint pseudonym of the Belgian brothers Boex who wrote on natural, prehistoric, and speculative subjects – sci-fi before it was a genre. The film also draws upon a wide range of theory, critique, literature, and art to, in one way or another, reflect on how humankind and human reason can be removed from the centre of evolutionary processes. Passages from Rosny and interviews with Bjørnerud form the film's science-fictional/science-factual spine, but stones are its anchor. To touch stone is to meet alien duration. We trust stone as archive, but we may as well write on water. In the end, it’s particles that remain.
Deborah Stratman, 2023, 50 min
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