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Hatis Noit

The London-based Japanese vocal performer Hatis Noit originally hails from Shiretoko on the Hokkaido peninsula. Inspired by a wide range of musical influences, from the classical Japanese gagaku music, operatic styles, Bulgarian and Gregorian Chanting, to avant-garde vocalists like Meredith Monk and Holly Herndon, Hatis Noit's accomplished range is astonishingly self-taught. It was at the age of 16, during a trek in Nepal to the Buddha's birthplace, when she realised singing was her calling. An encounter with a female monk singing Buddhist chants all alone moved her so intensely that she was instantly aware of the visceral power of the human voice: a primal and instinctive instrument that connects us to the very essence of humanity, nature, and our universe. Her music, as heard on enigmatic debut EP Illogical Dance (2018) and the sublime follow-up LP Aura (2022), has a distinctly modern approach – with detailed sound design and fascinating composition – while her craft stays true to the timeless nature of the human voice.