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Gábor Lázár

presents A Trap For Your Attention

Bridging the gap between conceptual composition and dance motivated club culture, Gábor Lázárpresents a kaleidoscopic light and sound installation.

With his intensely minimalist computer-generated music and abrasive synth tones, Budapest-based sound artist Gábor Lázár is single-handedly constructing the future of electronic music. Inspired by the past decades’ techno-related electronic music, Gábor Lázár’s deconstructions of rave sounds into rich repetitive sound sculptures bridge the gap between conceptual composition and dance motivated club culture. With a resume that includes seminal experimental electronic album and Mark Fell collaboration ‘The Neurobiology Of Moral Decision Making’ as well as work with Russell Haswell and releases for Lorenzo Senni’s Presto ?!, the Hungarian artist walks a slightly different path at Rewire 2017, presenting kaleidoscopic light and sound installation ‘A Trap For Your Attention’.