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Dylan Henner

Deep ambient loops, gently unfolding arpeggios, and angelic choirs coexist on the captivating pieces of music made by Dylan Henner. Rather than aiming for the uncanny valley of hybrid electronics, Henner achieves a delicate balance between his various sound sources, resulting in sublime music that raises existential questions, while comforting its listeners.

On his debut album The Invention of the Human (2020), Henner questions what makes us human and what good can come from civilisation when there’s so much misery attached to it. Follow-up You Will Always Be (2022) gives solace to the brevity of human life and explores the cycles of life and death. Both albums, released on AD93, are serene and cerebral works, referencing ambient and experimental music, sound design, and field recordings. During Rewire 2023, Henner performs his music exclusively with live vocal processing and voice synthesis.