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DNMF [Dead Neanderthals + Machinefabriek] (NL)

Moving Furniture

DNMF is a collaboration between Dutch heavy jazz duo Dead Neanderthals and Dutch ambient/drone experimentalist Machinefabriek. Taking inspiration from such notables as H.P. Lovecraft, and drawing energy from ancient cosmic entities, they have, like Lovecraft, peered “over the rim into fathomless chaos of eternal night” and managed to create their own form of hideous (and musical) monstrosity.

Their LP, DNMF, was released by Moving Furniture Records in September, 2014. The band see their work as a “primitive life form floating through the vastness of empty space. A hulking mass of sound originating from an intense collaborative process that forced both Dead Neanderthals and Machinefabriek to explore new musical ecosystems in order to accommodate each other’s long-winding, droning, and harsh constructions”. A preview can be found on Bandcamp.