Alongside her work in Isbells, Chantal Acda has worked under the Sleepingdog moniker since 2006, making three well received albums, most recently With Our Heads in the Clouds and Our Hearts in the Fields (2010). On this last release, she worked closely with Adam Wiltzie (Stars of the Lid, A Winged Victory For The Sullen). Her first real solo record, Let Your Hands Be My Guide, was released to international acclaim, and is the result of a remarkable fusion of the talents of Shahzad Ismaily, Peter Broderick, múm cellist Gyða Valtýsdóttir, and Nils Frahm; who also took on the role of producer. A new album, Live in Dresden (with six songs from Let Your Hands Be My Guide, and featuring Alan Gevaert (dEUS), Eric Thielemans & Gaetan Vandewoude (Isbells)) wasreleased by Gizeh records in September 2014.